Sun Tzu’s ancient dictum, “know thy enemy” is void from our military schools when it comes to Islam. Classical theories such as Clausewitz, Sun Tzu, Machiavelli, etc., are studied but are very impractical compared to today’s complex military landscape of warfare and diplomacy. These outdated and former strategies cannot be called upon to gain advantage in modern warfare. Unlike Islam they also lack a driving motivational force for perpetual relevancy, and religious conquest.
Islam has a theological quality that claims its precepts transcend time and space. The example of Muhammad, and Islamic doctrines, are immutable to Muslims and are just as applicable to Muslims today as yesterday. Jihad is as real today as it was when Muhammad claimed to receive revelations from his god Allah to “fight and slay the pagans wherever you find them.”
Islamic jihad is more real today in this generation than any other time in history since its beginnings. The means of modern communication and oil money have done more to advance the Islamic goals of creating a world Islamic kingdom.
Within the call to jihad is the understanding of all Muslims to know it is their responsibility to form a world Islamic umma—community. Islamic nations throughout the world call their land a land of Islam, Dar al Islam. The eternal doctrine of war in Islam must continue until all nations submit to Islam. These unconquered lands are called an abode of war on Dar al Harb. The Islamic “world view” is known as “fard kifaya.” There are several strategies used in the war of jihad. Most of these strategies involve negotiating techniques that are set with the intention to deceive.
Sahih al-Bukhari Volume 4, Book 52, Number 269: Narrated Jabir bin ’Abdullah: The Prophet said: “War is deceit.”
The strategy of “hudna” is explained in Sahih Muslim’s Hadith 15:4057: “Allah’s Messenger [Muhammad] said: ‘He who takes an oath but eventually finds a better way should do that which is better and break his oath.”
Muhammad used this approach to gain access back into Mecca by promising he would not come in war but only to worship at the Kaba. A truce was established between the Mecceans and Muhammad and his followers at a town outside of Mecca called Hudaibiyah; only until he gained enough power to come into Mecca and take it over. He then “cleansed” the Kaa of all other idols, except for his god Allah. This was the same technique Yasser Arafat utilized when negotiating with Israel. On television, seen throughout the world, he would speak of peace; such was the case in his famous “Gun and the Olive Branch” 1973 speech at the United Nations. In his secretly recorded 1994 speech in a Johannesburg mosque and elsewhere, Arafat repeatedly belittled Oslo as a mere hudna, and cited the precedent set by Muhammad.
Incorporated within the idea of hudna is the strategy of al-Taqiyya—lying. In order to maximize the benefit of a hudna, lying is permissible in Islam. Al-Taqiyya permits a Muslim to lie and dissemble whenever they are under the authority of the infidel. The Qur’an in verse 16:106 says: “Whoso disbelieveth in Allah after his belief save him who is forced thereto and whose heart is still content with the faith but whoso findeth ease in disbelief: On them is wrath from Allah. Theirs will be an awful doom.
In other words, Allah will forgive a Muslim who converts to another faith as long as he or she is only pretending.
How should our military view interrogating Muslim Islamic terrorists? Hardened jihadists are willing to die for the cause of Allah. Therefore, any information that can be obtained from them is at best questionable. Likewise though, the Bible does give us some wisdom when dealing with evil.
Solomon said: “Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil.”
The years of holding captured terrorists in Guantanamo Bay has not helped our cause. Understand, it is not the place, but the length of time we’ve held the terrorists in custody. Our Islamic terrorist enemy knows how slow we are to bring them through our justice system. Notwithstanding, giving them the Miranda rights of American citizens? What courage we give our enemy to know that will make them comfortable, allow them to practice their faith—the one that kills us—and give them American attorneys bound by American constitutional law to assist them in our courts.
Instead of sending Islamic nations the gospel, we send them weapons? The Middle Eastern nations of the world are buying American weapons. One example, Saudi Arabia, the country in which Islam was founded, spends 18 percent of its gross domestic product (everything produced) on military expenditures, according to the U.S. State Department, World Military and Arms Expenditures.
Join with me in prayer for our nation, because these weapons may be the ones used during the time of tribulation, in Satan’s efforts to annihilate Israel with the help of the Islamic nations of the world united with him (Ps. 83).
This article is a reprint from the May 2013 issue of The Evangelist.