Cultural Revolution - Part XI
The plans for a global reset are being discussed at various international forums, particularly the World Economic Forum (WEF), founded by Klaus Schwab. WEF participants include world leaders, company corporate leaders, entertainment stars, and religious leaders of all faiths.
Capitalism And Stakeholder Capitalism
The Great Reset is about getting rid of free market capitalism and replacing it with sustainable development and stakeholder capitalism.
Schwab’s book, Stakeholder Capitalism: A Global Economy that Works for Progress, People, and Planet describes the differences between capitalism and stakeholder capitalism.
Schwab believes shareholder capitalism and state capitalism (communism) are the prevailing economic systems, but stakeholder capitalism offers a new, better system. He admits to and credits both systems of capitalism and state capitalism with creating economic progress and prosperity.
However, the prosperity it created did not mutually benefit everyone. Instead, the tremendous prosperity they created led to inequalities of income, wealth, and opportunity; increased tensions between the haves and the have-nots, and, above all, a mass degradation of the environment.
In a brief summation of these three economic structures, it must be noted that each has a different objective:
• State capitalism—communism—has the government as the key shareholder. The government steers the economy and can intervene whenever and wherever it feels necessary. Business and individual interests are subsidiary to the state interests.
• Shareholder capitalism has its company shareholders’ interests to please as its priority. The primary responsibility of the business is to increase profits for the shareholders.
• Stakeholder capitalism seeks to benefit all stakeholders with society’s goal to increase the well-being of people and the planet as its priority. Its focus is on long-term value creation using environmental, social, and governance (ESG), concepts of social justice as its priority.
Stakeholder Capitalism
Globalists will boast that this is an enhanced form of capitalism. Therefore, individuals who are globalists at heart can boast of being capitalists when discussing the economy, climate change, inequality, inequity, you name it.
Stakeholder capitalism seeks to create and maintain a sustainable economic system. Individuals and companies must be able to innovate and compete in order to release creative energy and work ethic of most people in society, they claim. Where this new form of capitalism differs most is the need for individual citizens and business actors to be guided, to ensure the overall direction of economic development is beneficial to society and no actor can free ride on the efforts of others, they claim.
Stakeholder capitalism also boasts how it overcomes the shortcomings of the other economic systems, e.g., all those who have a stake in the economy can influence decision-making, and the metrics optimized in economic activities to benefit broader society.
This all sounds well and dandy, but just how do the globalists plan to implement this new economy throughout the world? How will everyone cooperate and build on this new society?
You guessed it, it will be a global oligarchy of leaders that will cooperate together and form a centralized governing body. Of course it will have all stakeholder interests at heart; sadly, they will be their hands. It will resemble fascism.
Digital Currency And Control
How can a centralized government possibly control every aspect of society and supply equity and equality to everyone? It will take immense monitoring and obedience to achieve this kind of system.
The development of alternative currencies has been in the making for some time now. Major universities are working in the United States with the government to create a digital currency. Already used successfully in the private sector for transactions are alternative cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin being the most popular.
Let’s look more particularly as to what may happen in the future to initiate a new world economic order.
As a brief aside, I do not know how far this will get before the coming of the Lord. Notwithstanding, a new digital currency and the age of technocracy are here.
Zbigniew Brzezkinski, one of the founders of the Trilateral Commission in 1973, wrote extensively about technocracy. He said, “The technotronic era involves the gradual appearance of a more controlled society. Such a society would be dominated by an elite, unrestrained by traditional values. Soon it will be possible to assert almost continuous surveillance over every citizen and maintain up-to-date complete files containing even the most personal information about the citizen. These files will be subject to instantaneous retrieval by the authorities.”1
To accomplish such creation and maintenance, a high level of control in this new stakeholder economy could be done through the use of a digital currency.
The Great Reset is a new “social contract” that ties every person to it through an electronic ID linked to your bank account, health records, and a social credit ID that will end up dictating every facet of your life.
China has a “social credit” system in place that may act as a prototype of how to implement stakeholder capitalism globally. It permits the private ownership of property and some aspects of individuality, but it is highly regulated and inflexible on issues that find criticism of the government and its policies.
The initiation of digital currency in this framework enables businesses and individuals to function as a society. Initiating this new economy on a national or global basis requires the exchange of existing currency into digital currency. Rather than a bank or checking account, businesses and individuals would have a digital wallet.
In the 1930s, it became illegal to own gold bullion. Everyone was required by law to exchange their gold bullion for Federal Reserve notes—paper money. Initially, Federal Reserve notes were backed by gold, but later that was changed when the gold standard was abolished.
The devaluing of the new paper currency through inflation was one of the consequences of the exchange. A dollar today buys far less than a dollar in the past. Inflation is the hidden tax we pay for excessive government spending.
Meanwhile, penalties were created for anyone who broke the law for not exchanging their gold bullion for Federal Reserve notes. Today, modern technology makes the exchange potentially seamless by coordination with banks and investment banks.
The question is, how will the exchange rates work? Would everyone get a dollar-to-dollar exchange? Or would wealthy individuals only get sixty cents on each dollar? Would someone with less wealth get $1.20 to the dollar to compensate for an equitable distribution?
We already have a graduated income tax schedule, so why wouldn’t they exploit the so-called wealthy to “pay their fair share” in an exchange?
Once the exchanges are made, prices of investment securities and fixed income investments, real estate, and art would all be repriced to the new exchange rates.
Instead of bank deposits, this could be handled through a central bank. No surprise here, we already have such a creature—the Federal Reserve System. Most industrialized nations of the world also have a central banking system. The government could then control how much allowance you can spend on fuel, food, health care, entertainment, etc. The list goes on as to the government controlling every facet of life.
The globalists will not succeed in their plans! Look up, for your redemption draws nigh!
1 Zbigniew K. Brzezinski, Between Two
Ages: America’s Role in the Technetronic Era (Penguin Publishing Group, 1970).